New Skaters
For new skater inquiries, please contact prdnewskaters@gmail.com.
No experience or skill is necessary to join and we're happy to answer any questions you might have about the league.
All PRD skater must agree to abide by the Pacific Roller Derby Code of Conduct and sign the WFTDA Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). New skaters are required to register and purchase WFTDA insurance within two weeks of attending their first practice.
For gear, PRD has a loaner gear program if you want or need to wait to buy gear.

Are you a skater or referee visiting Oahu? Do you have your WFTDA Minimum Skills Certification? Then come and skate with us while you’re on island!
Send an email to prdnewskaters@gmail.com for more information. Drop in fees may apply. See you on the flat track!

The Honolulu LeiOuts is O'ahu's only junior roller derby team. Proudly founded by Pacific Roller Derby, the LeiOuts are open to all keiki ages 6-17. In addition to learning to skate and the rules and strategy of roller derby, the LeiOuts also focus on team building and leadership skills.
There are three levels of Junior roller derby:
Level 1: No contact
Level 2: Positional blocking only; no acceleration into leans or hits
Level 3: Full contact
*Each skater's skills are evaluated before being advanced to the next level.
Send an email to prdjuniors@gmail.com for information on Junior sign ups.
Interested in being involved in our events or attending our next game?
Stay up to date with us on our social media like Facebook and Instagram for the latest information.